Blackberry Fall
We did not have a car for a while during our stay in Castlemaine Avenue in Southbourne. So to get around and do the shopping, we bought a bicycle trailer and this enabled us to go on rides and see places we had not visited before.
One day, I took Joshua (3.5 years old)and Jessica (2 years old) out in the trailer to go and pick some blackberries. The best blackberries used to grow along the railway line just off a playing field close to the river Stour.
We cycled down the hill and found a good spot. I climbed into the ditch to pick the blackberries and passed them back to Joshua and Jessica who were in charge of holding the bags.
Picking blackberries is a hazardous affair. It always seems that the sweetest, biggest berries are always out of reach or in a spot where your hands will be ripped by the sharpest thorns. And it also seems that the blackberries' best friends are the stinging nettles. The tactic still I use is the "pick and palm" method. I aim for a good looking bunch and pick with the tips of my fingers and drop the berries into my palm. Only when I can�t hold any more in my palm do I then retract my hand to drop the cache into the bag. This way I hope to reduce the scratches and stings down to a bare minimum.
It was lovely and sunny this day, and while I was standing and picking in the ditch, a train came thundering past. Just a quick red herring while I am thinking about it.... have you noticed that the fashion here with the spoken English is to use "was stood" and sometimes "was sat" instead of "was standing" or "was sitting". Where did this come from?
Anyway, Jessica got such a fright and dived right into the ditch towards me. I tried to catch her and to stop her falling into the thorny brambles but she was too quick. Her poor face was so scratched and she was screaming from the pain. I gently picked the thorns out of her face and tried to pacify her and we then packed up and went back home.
Sarah had a big fright when she saw the state of Jessica's face.
Only later, we realised that I lost my wedding ring in the effort to try and catch Jessica. I've been back to the spot about twice and tried to find the wedding ring without any success. I can see a lucky person with a metal detector finding it one day and wondering how the ring managed to get into the ditch.